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Travel Hong Kong Wi-Fi 1.2.0
CSL Mobile Limited
Visitors to Hong Kong can download the TravelHong Kong Wi-Fi app to enjoy free Wi-Fi.You can depend on a reliable and stable online experience incoffee shops, restaurants, payphone kiosks, convenience stores,malls, MTR stations and Airport Express stations and trains.As Hong Kong's leading wireless broadband service provider, cslWi-Fi was first to launch 1,000Mbps hotspots*. These sources ofsuperfast Internet access can be found at a limited number oflocations throughout Hong Kong.The Travel Hong Kong Wi-Fi app provides:• Free Wi-Fi for visitors to Hong Kong (using a non-Hong Kong SIMcard)• A search function for csl Wi-Fi hotspots*1,000Mbps is the network specification for Wi-Fi 802.11ac onlyapplicable to selected csl Wi-Fi hotspots in limited locations.However, actual speeds experienced by customers using the networkor hotspots are considerably less than the respective networkspecifications and will be affected by user's mobile device (e.g.number of internal antenna equipped), location, network coverageand usage, international bandwidth and other extraneousfactors.
My Workshop 2.4
CSL Mobile Limited
Download the “My Workshop” app now, so you canenroll for csl’s free smartphone workshop, whenever and whereveryou may be.Key “My Workshop” app features- Enroll for csl's smartphone workshop and add the details to yourhandset calendar- Check your enrollment and workshop records- Check venue addresses- Receive the latest workshop information- Share workshop content with friends and relativescsl mobile service provides a variety of smartphone workshopsincluding Smart Pama Workshop, Smartphone and Tablet Classes andSmart Interest Groups – all helping you to unleash the full powerof your device.
BPL Channel 1.1.0
CSL Mobile Limited
The Barclays Premier League is back! 1O1O /csl service delivers the “BPL Channel App” to provide 380 2013/14BPL matches^ live and in super HD quality 1080p* on your mobiledevice anytime, anywhere. Now you can feel football frenzy while onthe move!* Applicable only to designated 1O1O/csl service subscriberswith subscription of Super HD pass^ Applicable only to designated 1O1O/csl service subscribers withsubscription of both “now TV BPL channel 621” and “now TV BPLchannel 620,622-625” service packagesFor details, please visit http://e.hkcsl.com/nowtvbpl.
mobile Sync 2.0
CSL Mobile Limited
"PIM Sync" app for “mobile Sync” synchronizes contact lists andcalendar on your handset and OutlookTerms & Conditions[1] This service is available only to csl designated monthly plancustomer [2] This service requires subscription to use.
Service Manager 1.0.5
CSL Mobile Limited
Service Manager helps you check csl mobileservice settings on your device with just one click. If youencounter connectivity problems, our “Fix my problem” featurediagnostic your device and guides you through fixing it.Features:- Connectivity status – manages your network connection- Call forward – call forward settings for differentsituations- Device Info – checks your device model, IMEI and IP address- Fix my problem – scans device settings and guides you throughfixing the problem(This service is applicable only to designated csl mobile servicesubscribers)
Rescue 1.0.3
CSL Mobile Limited
"Rescue" helps you check your device with just one click. If youencounter connectivity problems, our “Fix my problem” featurediagnostic your device and guides you through fixing it.Features:- Fix my problem – scans device settings and guides you throughfixing the problem- Connectivity status – manages your network connection- Device Info – checks your device model, IMEI and IP address(This service is applicable only to designated 1O1O/csl mobileservice subscribers)
足球360 1.3
CSL Mobile Limited
1O1O / csl「足球360」App登場。提供多個足球聯賽及盃賽資訊包括新聞、賽程、賽果。另更可欣賞英超即場入球、精華及比賽前瞻等短片,讓你緊貼英超最新賽果及戰況!<內容包括>球壇新聞:提供世界各頂級聯賽轉球會及轉會新聞球會賽程及賽果:包羅大量不同組別聯賽賽程及賽果,所有資料一目瞭然Football 11遊戲:組織屬於自己的球會英超短片*:欣賞英超即場入球、精華及比賽前瞻等短片,更可接收即時提示以收睇最新短片及資訊,讓你緊貼英超最新賽果及戰況立即下載!條款及細則:*英超短片只提供於已申請足球360組合之指定 1O1O/csl服務客戶。足球360組合內之英超短片只提供於本地收看,客戶於海外時並不能收看英超短片。.使用足球360 App及觀看其內容有可能會產生流動數據用量。而於海外使用則會產生漫遊數據收費。個人資料收集聲明:本應用程式由CSL Mobile Limited (「1O1O / csl服務」)提供。若客戶於下載本應用程式後申請參加本應用程式中的Football 11遊戲(「遊戲」)或使用本應用程式所載的服務(足球新聞及賽程資訊服務除外),用戶用作使用本應用程式之流動電話服務號碼會被自動檢測。如該號碼為1O1O/csl服務號碼,該號碼及該號碼的1O1O/csl服務登記客戶姓名會被自動收集,非1O1O/csl服務登記客戶之用戶需提供其姓名及電話號碼。所收集的資料會由1O1O/csl服務,根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》及《私隱政策聲明》(載於http://www.hkt.com/legal/privacy_c.html)的規定所收集、使用及保留。資料之收集及使用的目的是讓客戶使用本應用程式及所載的服務(如:設立遊戲賬戶、登記參加遊戲、使用「足球360」組合服務等),以及宣傳推廣(此用途僅在客戶同意下進行)。參加遊戲時,玩家需使用Facebook登入以建立遊戲賬號,為提供遊戲,遊戲會使用用戶的Facebook用戶名稱、頭像、好友名單及在玩家允許下於動態消息上留言。資料查閱及更改,可郵寄至香港郵政總局信箱9896號與私隱條例事務主任聯絡。足球360組合特定條款及細則(「服務」)1.1 「內容」指任何內容,包括但不限於可透過或於足球360組合獲取的任何靜止圖像、聲音、活動影像(不論是動畫或以其他形式)、視頻、剪輯、音頻和錄像、文本、文章、編輯工作、數據,其他通過服務所取覽的信息和/或其他材料或物品。1.2 您僅獲授權使用足球360組合及觀看有關內容,以作您的個人、私人及非商業用途及享用。1.3 您將會嚴格地對使用有關服務及內容負上全責,任何通過您的[流動電話號碼]使用任何服務將被視為由您使用。1.4除事先經我們書面同意,您不得自行或容許任何其他人士銷售、複印、複製、分發、發表、修改、製作以有關內容為基礎的衍生產物、展示內容或促使內容作公開展示。您同意不會:2.1 限制或阻止任何其他人士使用服務,包括但不限於透過「非法入侵」或破壞服務任何部分;2.2 將服務或有關內容用於任何非法用途或本條款及條件並無明確授權的任何用途;2.3 承讓、轉讓或分發所有或任何部份之服務、其有關內容或軟件;2.4 對服務任何部份、有關內容或於下載軟件內之任何內容進行修改、改編、再授特許任何人士、翻譯銷售、推翻工程、解編或分拆;2.5 刪除服務及/或有關內容所包含的任何版權、商標或其他所有權告示;2.6 在未經我們事先書面授權的情況下複製及/或提取服務或有關內容的任何部分;2.7使用任何機械人、蜘蛛程式、網站搜尋/檢索應用程式,或其他手動或自動裝置或程序以檢索、編制索引、「挖掘數據」,或以任何方式再生產、擾亂或規避服務及/或有關內容的導航結構或呈列方式;2.8 進入或使用服務或內容用於任何本條款及條件並無明確授權的任何用途;2.9 以任何方式或透過任何媒介從服務下載、複製、儲存、錄製、分發、分享或重新定向任何有關內容;2.10 偽造標題或以其他方式操控識別碼以掩飾透過服務傳送任何內容的來源。軟件許可:.客戶會不時被要求從「足球360」服務下載軟件、應用程式及/或程式(「有關軟件」),CSL MobileLimited謹此授予您非獨家且不可轉讓的許可,以讓您按照本條款及條件和有關軟件隨附的任何軟件許可在您的個人電腦,手機及平板電腦儲存、運作及使用有關軟件(而不包括進一步或其他許可)。.CSL Mobile Limited可隨時終止「足球360」服務以便進行系統維修、提升、測試及/或修理,並無須給予通知。.在CSL MobileLimited認為適當的情況下,就您使用「足球360」服務或違反本條款及條件的任何條款而限制或暫停您使用「足球360」服務,並無須給予通知。.客戶不得(a)將「足球360」App用於任何非法用途或本條款及條件並無明確授權的任何用途;(b)授權、轉送或再授特許任何人士全部或部份「足球360」App、軟件或於「足球360」服務內之內容;(c)對「足球360」App之任何部份、任何有關軟件及/或任何有關內容進行修改、改編、再授特許任何人士、再生產、分發、複製、修改、利用、翻譯、銷售、推翻工程、解編或分拆;及(d) 刪除「足球360」服務及/或有關內容所包含的任何版權、商標或其他所有權告示。.你可以使用流動數據或Wi-Fi使用「足球360」App,而你需向你的流動網絡供應商繳付流動數據及Wi-Fi費用(如有)。.CSL Mobile Limited並不就「足球360」App上任何資料的準確性、完整性或實用性作出擔保或保證。.我們有權即時終止客戶使用「足球360」App當:(a) 您不能滿足任何先決條件以使用服務,例如停止申請特定的服務;或(b) CSL Mobile Limited對您有有任何懷疑或證實您違反任何使用條款;或(c) CSL Mobile Limited不再提供有關服務。.在終止本服務時,所有根據本服務而授予客戶的許可、權利和特權亦將同時終止。任何本服務的終止概不影響雙方任何累算的權利或責任,亦不影響任何本服務即將或繼續施行的條文,該條文在意是在本服務終止時或終止後已明示或不言明地產生效用或繼續有效。賠償:您同意就任何因下列或與之相關的事項而令CSL MobileLimited蒙受或招致的訴訟、法律責任、費用、索償、損失、損害、法律程序及╱或支出作出賠償:(a) 您使用「足球360」服務、有關內容、或有關軟件;及(b) 您違反或不遵守本條款及條件的任何條款。免責聲明:在法律允許的最大範圍內,CSL MobileLimited對下列事項不作任何明示或暗示的聲明或保證:「足球360」服務、有關軟件及/或任何有關內容之所有擁有權、對某特定用途的適用性、可銷售性、準確性及質量標準、「足球360」服務不會出現中斷或發生錯誤、任何保持資料保密的責任(雖然CSLMobileLimited現行的守則也維持該等資料保密原則),以及使用「足球360」服務任何部分及/或任何有關內容所得的結果,惟本條款及條件特別指明者除外。CSLMobileLimited對下列事項不作任何聲明或保證:「足球360」服務會滿足您的需求及/或存取及使用「足球360」服務不會出現中斷或發生錯誤、沒有病毒、惡意程式碼或其他有害元件或服務為安全。
Smart Visual Voice Mail 2.2.0
CSL Mobile Limited
Smart Visual Voice Mail service have voicemailsynchronized from the system automatically.Special features:- Skip voice call flow, making it faster to select voicemail toplay, replay and delete.- Displays caller names or phone numbers.- Auto synchronization of voicemail, so you are not limited byvoice mailbox storage capacity.- Auto synchronization via mobile data and Wi-Fi network.Remarks:This service is applicable only to csl designated monthly plancustomer and subscribed to Smart Voice Mail or Premium Smart VoiceMail Service & Smart Visual Voice Mail Service. Service isapplicable only to Android 4.0 and select handset models.
Push To Talk 1.7.5
CSL Mobile Limited
csl has launched a brand new Push To TalkService. Now you can enjoy walkie-talkie style communications atthe push of a button!Features:- Simply push a button to talk- Streaming your voice to all members in the group while you aretalking, no limitation on distance between you and your groupmembers- Easy-to-use interface- Listen to all conversations even it is running in thebackground- Use what works best for you – speaker phone, earphone or evenBluetooth- Start your own public group so that others can jump in andchat- Supports up to 10 groups and 150 members in each group- An admin web portal for company to assign group to each user.[Only applicable to csl commercial subscribers]Terms & Conditions:[1] "Push To Talk" service is available only to csl designatedmonthly plan customer[2] "Push To Talk" service requires subscription to use.[3] "Push To Talk" is only compatible with designated handsets withAndroid OS 4.0 or above.[4] Using and Downloading "Push To Talk" application in Hong Kongmay incur local mobile data charges, while roaming data chargeswill be incurred when using and downloading applications inoverseas.
Wi-Fi Roam 2.3.2
CSL Mobile Limited
Our newly-launched Wi-Fi RoamConnectionManager places a highly-convenient Wi-Fi roamingexperience at yourfingertips, enabling you to get connected at 2.9million Wi-Fihotspots when traveling in Greater China, AsiaPacific, Europe andNorth America.Wi-Fi Roam Connection Manager delivers a superior Wi-Firoamingexperience with the rich mix of features you have beenlookingfor!Notes:[1] Wi-Fi Roam Connection Manager is only available to1O1O/cslsubscribers and is provided to you under the terms andconditionsof your mobile service contract.[2] You are required to register for IDD, InternationalRoaming,China Roaming and Internetional Wi-Fi Roaming service andpay thenecessary roaming deposit before service activation[3] Wi-Fi Roaming usage charge applies, please refertowww.hkcsl.com or www.1010.com.hk[4] 1O1O/csl reserves the right to adjust charges accordingtotariffs set by overseas operators and exchange-ratefluctuationswithout prior notice[5] We recommend you to update the hotspot list in Hong Kongbeforetraveling abroad[6] 1O1O/csl makes no guarantee as to the condition or qualityofservices provided by third-party network operators
1O1O Corporate 1.1.1
CSL Mobile Limited
1O1O Corporate App is an all-in-one mobile services app forcorporate customers.
Club SIM 2.2.21
CSL Mobile Limited
Club Sim creates a new SIM card lifestyle!
AR Lens - Discover the offers 1.12
CSL Mobile Limited
See the world differently
Club Sim Monthly Service 6.110
CSL Mobile Limited
Club Sim app allows you to stay in control of your personalmobileusage